The netherlands HD-DVD

The netherlands

HD-DVD releases are getting good? With the Matrix? and Heroes? If you say they are getting good, I have a strong feeling there are A LOT of bluray titles that you wish you had but cant get for HD-DVD. and do go saying you dont really like the movies that bluray offers. there isnt any good news from maybe except their sale for 100 off and 5 FREE movies. Youre right! You are missing out on a sharper picture and better sound. Id be crying too, if I were you. Sorry, this comment was directed at Mr Common Senses earlier comment. If you want to buy a stand alone Blu Ray in the near future that would be fine. But when are you planning to buy it 2 yrs from now? 5 yrs from now? How much is a stand alone Blu Ray today? for additional 200 i wont wait until the year 2014 just to buy a stand alone player. sorry to disappoint you but when did a console became a success using a add on. remember what happened to the PS2 when SONY decide not to include the Online Network Adapter and a Hard Drive. the online was not that successful. for me Blu Ray is for is just an added bonus. just my 2 cents how is the WII outselling the PS 3:1???? the ps3 has about 3 million units sold while the wii has around 7 million. im not great at math but im not stupid enough to see that its around 2: Also lets not forget that every wii game looks just as good as a gamecube game and the only games they have which sell are mario games oo and zelda sorry I can prove I am unbiased unlike you and Mister UNcommon Sense. Just go to and you will see a huge section the netherlands console am a great part why that is there and have been a moderator for over 5 years ACTUALLY helping people with their consoles. Blu-Ray even uses the same LASER wavelength as HD The big difference is improved focusing. Blu-Ray had been originally designed prior to any of this HD DVD nonsense by a number of partners Sony, TDK and others, including even MS and Toshiba as the next step after DVD. Then Toshiba got too greedy and decided to betray their partners and rush an inferior and cheaper format, HD DVD, into the market. Anybody who thinks that HD DVD is righteous or better for the consumer needs to have their head examined. bottom line is blu-ray has more potential than HD-DVD, I the netherlands blu-ray to and yes I have a X360 for games has the best games. I will not buy a ps3 for blu-ray because it doenst make sense, I will wait and get a player/burner for a lot cheaper. As far as games go, X360 has the best games hands down, when the ps3 starts using the cell to its fullest potential maybe that will change, and then maybe I will consider the purchase. People have to stop this stupid fanboy calling crap and stop supporting companies that could care less about them. I have many systems and I bought them because they had a large selection of games and right now the PS3 doesnt. Blu-Ray are nearly identical. Blu-Ray even uses the same LASER wavelength hence, same kind of LASER diodes as HD The big difference is improved focusing. Blu-Ray had been originally designed prior to any of this HD DVD nonsense by a number of partners Sony, TDK and others, including even MS and Toshiba as the next step after DVD. Then Toshiba along with notorious back stabbers Microsoft got too greedy and decided to betray their partners and rush an inferior harmed by lowering of manufacturing costs and cheaper format, HD DVD, into the market. Anybody who thinks that HD DVD is righteous or better for the consumer needs to have their head examined. The good news at blu is what they made up. I guess lies sell. Its easier to the netherlands money dishonestly than honestly. Also Oner001 all you do is bash MS. Ive never seen you say anything positve about them in the least. Proof my ass you are a dumbass fantard like the rest. Yeah you help people buy YOUR console of choice.

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