Why we fight band of

Why we fight band of brothers

I only get a new laptop why we fight band of brothers five years, so it has to count when I pull the trigger. If you want a desktop Mac you may be in luck, but dont count on an internal drive if you want a notebook. There seems to be too much looking at it from your POV and comparing Apple to other OEMs. If you look at it from Apples POV there are plenty of reasons why they wouldnt offer it and some why they cant offer it. Not slot load, but why we fight band of brothers to engadget they do exist at 5mm. That was almost a year ago, so maybe Apple will introduce the very first 5mm slot loaders? I mentioned that article in a previous post. I cant find any evidence to support that theyve even been shown off at a fair at this point. Apple does have a history of adopting a tech an getting the company to be hush hush about it, but this doesnt fit the build as it would only cause the price to be excessively higher. Its not a revolutionary new tech that Apple can by exclusive rights to, its just a slimmer drive. All I have to say is that Blu-Ray video looks simply marvelous on my Mac Mini/1080p projector/ 1 DD DTS system. Anyone who says theres no perceptual difference between 720 and 1080 hasnt spent much time in a side-by-side comparison. Come on Apple, give us Blu-Ray. This must happen sooner or later. Although by the time Apple implement it, the PC world would have moved onto the next 🙄 Sonys first laptop with bluray drive came out about two years ago, and cost the same as a Macbook Pro. Im not sure whats taking Apple so long. Apple is stubborn and Jobs thinks the longer they delay implementing Blu-ray in Macs will lead to better sales of allegedly HD content in the iTunes Store. Seriously, I wish Apple wouldve thrown more of their support behind Blu-ray a lot sooner because we mightve gotten iPod portable files standard on the Blu-ray movie releases. Then again, Apples not the only one Sony been fired up on all cylinders, they wouldve packed UMD discs with the Blu-ray titles to entice why we fight band of brothers to buy the Sony PSP. But of course Sony thinks it wiser to try to sell new releases on UMD for between 15 and 25 which is clinically insane and has hurt the PSP more than they think. It will be great to have support for Blue ray, then again I believe B R is a total waste of time and it will be dead in a few years time. You obviously dont own Blu-ray or have an appreciation for motion pictures in high resolution. If its an opinion based upon economics, please be advised that prices for HDTVs are dropping and there are even Blu-ray players below 300 now. If you have a PC or a PowerMac/Mac Pro, you can buy an internal Sony BD-Rom drive for about 1 Oh are in the UK.

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