Zombi 2 part 1 I can show you

Zombi 2 part 1

I can show you how to learn this by using the three Ps. The three Ps are Practice, Practice and Practice. When you enter a freestyle rap competition, you have to be on point for every aspect of your freestyling. This includes not just your rhyming and flowing and beats, but it is important to be at the top of your game with your presentation and stage presence. When you are part of a freestyle rap performance, you have to be on point for every aspect of your freestyling. This includes not just your rhyming, flowing and beats, but it is important to be at the top of your game with your presentation and stage presence. When you are part of a freestyle rap performance, you have to be on point for every aspect of your freestyling. Today we will look at how you interact with the crowd. You can improve your freestyle rapping skills by incorporating what I call the 5 people theory into your life. This theory says that you will become or take on the average skills of the 5 people that are closest to you. So if this is the case, then you want to surround yourself with 5 people that have better skills in rapping or freestyling. Are you ready to go into your freestyle rap battle? Have you been practicing or do you feel as if you need to practice a little bit more. If you are like me, I cant ever seem to get enough practicing done. Today we are going to discuss some way and places that you can practice for your freestyle rap battles. It is very easy to get discouraged as you partake in freestyle rap battles. You may not win them all. People have a tendency to really get down when they lose these battles. In order to get past this, we are going to discuss a very important rule today. This is known as the Positive Interpretation rule. Just like army strategists use various strategies to win their battles, freestyle rappers need to use some strategies so that they can win their battles raps. In our discussion today, we are going to discuss zombi 2 part 1 different strategies that can be used while in the heat of the battle. Copyright c2005-200 All zombi 2 part 1 reserved. Welcome to Music Banter Forum! Make sure to register its free and very quick! You have to register before you can post and participate in our discussions with over 40, 000 other registered members. After you create your free account, zombi 2 part 1 will be able to customize many options, you will have the full access to over 800, 000 posts.

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